CodeMate CLI
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CodeMate cli is a cli tool that extends the capabilities of CodeMate inside the terminal environment. It works across any terminal you work with: Bash, PowerShell, Command Prompt etc. It brings many features from the VS Code Extension to terminal, giving users the choice to use CodeMate without switching to another interface. It also has additional features such as monitoring processes and autofix errors arising on compile time or run time, and generating
You have signed up for an account at
You have the latest LTS or Current version of Nods.js and NPM installed on your computer.
Follow these steps to setup CodeMate cli
Open a terminal window on your computer.
Having met all the pre-requisites, run the command npm i -g codemate-cli
Once the installation is complete, run codemate
to see the list of available commands:
Using CodeMate cli involves writing commands & passing them to get the desired outcome. Given below is a list of commands available, explained with their syntax:
codemate login
: Log in to your CodeMate Account
codemate github
: Link your GitHub account to CodeMate
codemate chat
: Ask any query to CodeMate, just like CodeMate Chat.
codemate generate-reports <dir>:
Generate reports about the files in a directory on the parameters of best practices and security. An additional description of what the files does is also added, all inside a .codemate subdirectory.
codemate debug-file <file>
: pass on a file as a parameter to this command, and get an output with suggestions to fix errors in the file.
codemate review-dir
: run this command to get reviews of all files present in the current directory.
codemate review-file <filename>
: Reviews a particular file passed as a parameter to the cli.
codemate optimise-file <filename>
: Optimize a particular file that will be passed as a parameter to the optimise command.
codemate monitor <process>
: Monitors a running process of Node in terminal for any runtime errors, & if there are any errors, tries to suggest improvements. Works for all server side & client side processes.
codemate add-KB
: Adds the files in current directory to a Knowledge Base.
codemate delete-KB
: Resets the Knowledge Base
codemate set-theme <hex value>
: Sets the theme of CodeMate cli. Takes the hex value as an argument.
codemate logout
: logs out from CodeMate cli
codemate --version
: displays the current version of the cli
codemate <command> --help
: displays help text about a particular command.
Got any feedback about cli? CodeMate cli is currently growing & we would love to hear your thoughts. Submit them in our Discord server: